The Observer

RUNNER UP | Quantum Shorts 2022

Alma Llerena

Alma Llerena presents an artistic take on the observer effect through screendance, a hybrid medium of cinematography and choreography.

Does an observation change the outcome in the quantum world? This article takes a deeper look with experiments:

Please tell us about yourself and the team that made the film.

We are a small team that specialises in screendance works or videodance.

How did you come up with the idea for your film?

I have always been interested in quantum physics theories so in this case, we started thinking about how we could show in a screendance medium what our personal interpretation of the concept of the observer is, and how this could change reality.

This film is revised from one first made in 2014. What prompted you to add the extra 40 seconds of observed dance?

We decided to review all of our projects in 2021 in a process of making backups, and when we saw the original material we felt that the film needed the extra scene.

What makes you interested in quantum physics?

I am personally interested in quantum physics because it gives explanations to questions that you cannot otherwise get from a different discipline. Also, it shows a world full of possibilities.

Please share with us an interesting detail about how you made the movie.

When we had to decide on the location, we developed a random process to make the choice. This specific location was brought down just a couple of months after the recording, and it no longer exists.

What reaction do you hope for from viewers?

It would be nice if the film could inspire someone to contemplate how their personal reality is affected by how they are observing it.

What is you favourite science-inspired or sci-fi movie?

The Fly (1986).

What does being a Quantum Shorts finalist mean to you?

It brings me happiness that the film could be selected in a film festival of the same theme.

Alma Llerena is a Doctor in Humanities by the University Rey Juan Carlos of Madrid, where she also completed a masters in Performing Arts. She currently focuses her investigation on the exploration of the audiovisual language applied to performing arts.

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