Backstory: Helping Hands

A Q&A with Cora Valderas, Quantum Shorts First Prize winner

Read the story first: Helping Hands

Is there anything you would like readers to know about you, beyond the bio in your story?

I have recently begun working as a copywriter for a marketing agency, but I have always enjoyed writing as a personal hobby, specifically creative writing. When I’m not listening to podcasts about crime thrillers or horror stories, I’m usually writing within those genres.


Creepy and spooky happenings take place in your story. How did you come up with the idea?

I’ve always been drawn to scary stories, in the real and fictional sense. There are many disaster stories throughout history involving sensitive equipment to draw inspiration from, and quantum physics provides a deep pool of possibilities that blur the lines of truth and fiction. Science fiction is all about accepting impossible circumstances as fact, and such consideration can have amazing or terrifying results.


What do you think of the multiverse?

It’s fun to consider that there are infinite possibilities out there, and I believe it’s up to the imagination to make those many universes a reality. That’s what story writing is all about, manifesting every possibility into words.


What can you tell us about how you wrote the story?

At the time of writing my short, I had recently graduated college and was frustrated looking for a job. This feeling inspired the tone of my piece and made the experience more fun and personal. I also enjoyed combining my love for thriller fiction with exciting theories like the multiverse.


What is your favourite science-inspired book?

Right now, I am enjoying the Three Body Problem by Liu Cixin.


What does being a Quantum Shorts finalist mean to you?

It is a huge honour to be selected as a finalist! I feel encouraged to continue my writing projects and improve with each story.


Is there anything else you would like to tell us about you or your story?

I want to thank the contest organisers for being so kind and flexible when I had questions. It has been a joy participating in this contest!